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Company Profile
Company Profile
Since foundation in March 1943, XCMG has always kept its leading role in Chinese construction machinery industry.
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Our Commitment

Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd. (XCMG) was founded in 1943. Since then, XCMG has stood at the forefront of the Chinese construction machinery industry and developed into one of the domestic industry's largest, most influential, and most competitive enterprise groups with the most complete product varieties and series.

XCMG is the 3rd largest cons𝕴truction machinery company in the world. It is ranked 65th in the list of China's Top 500 Companies, 44th in 𓃲the list of China's Top 100 Manufacturing Enterprises, and 2nd in the list of China's Top 100 Machinery Manufacturers. XCMG is dedicated to its core value of “Taking Great Responsibilities, Acting With Great Morals, and Making Great Achievements” and its corporate spirit of being “Rigorous, Practical, Progressive, and Creative” in order to keep moving towards its ultimate goal of becoming a leading world-class enterprise capable of creating real value. 

Service Outlets
More than 2000+
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Corporate Strength
No.1 among Chinese construction machinery industry
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$1.6 billion
Annual export volume exceeds US$1.6 billion
Read more our culture
The pacesetter walked arduously but steadily against all odds and assisted the motherland in overcoming difficulties with his self-reliance, courage, and wisdom.
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