
Global XCMG
Global XCMG
Since foundation in March 1943, XCMG has always kept its leading role in Chinese construction machinery industry.
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During its solid and stable development in the global market, XCMG has gradually established a marketing network made up of more than 2,000 service terminals, more than 6,000 technical experts, and more than 5,000 marketing and sales service staff, covering 183 countries and regions so as to constantly provide its worldwide customers with one-stop, integrated, highly efficient, and convenient pre-sales, sales, after-sales, and financing services.
6 international research centers
300 More than 300 overseas dealers
40 overseas offices
2000 More than 2000 service outlets
46 large spare part centers
6000 technical engineers
14 Manufacturing bases and KD Plants
XCMG is dedicated to serving the world and improving lives.
Want to know more? Contact your nearest dealer
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